Tea on Tuesday


I thought I would get a head start on posting for tea, since I have missed the past couple of Tuesdays!!!

I am sipping a lovely Provence Rooisbos, with an orange flavored honey from my daughter. She discovered the honey in Charlottesville’s Whole Foods- it is delicious!

I usually have a locally harvested honey from Mud E Acres– I LOVE tea WITH my honey in the morning!!! But, if someone gifts me with honey – I will always be happy to use it!!! Mud-E Acres is also on Facebook@

I am excited about having bee hives on my property come spring. I will be attending a mini workshop on hives on the 16th- even tho’ I will not have to do anything with the hives here, except to admire them from afar (very far!!) I am very interested in what they are all about- the building and the upkeep, etc. “My”  hives will live here, courtesy of Mud-E Acres. I am excited!!!

Since today is all about tea- I found a few tea related photos-these two adorable little tea whimsies are created by local artist Deborah Sherwood

I have several of her creations hanging in my kitchen window! The first one is “tea for 2”- a teapot with 2 little dangling teacups!



The Great British Tea Party on Facebook is a great source of anything tea related!

Here is my kind of tea party!!!  Gertrude’s Tea Party by Greg Becker


If anyone watched Downton Abbey last night – I bet they did have tea after their rousing game of cricket!

Imagethis is Wattle Park, Victoria, Australia circa 1936

I LOVE Wind in the Willows- Rat and Toad have tea- 1908 EH Shepard


In 1907, a tea party in Co. Louth., Ireland – (courtesy of Nat’l Library of Ireland)


Edwardian tea party-


And, last but not least- what tea fancier would not want to own one of these?????

Sequin teapot purse (www.mellowmayo.com)


I hope you are all enjoying a hot cuppa this morning – especially, if you are reading this post from one of the snowbound states!!!!!

Please come back anytime, not just Tuesday- and be sure to drop by Patty’s blog for a list of other tea lovers!

2 responses »

  1. Happy Tea day every day Pat … your post is so bright and shiny on this dreary Monday with lots to enjoy!

    You reminded me that I recorded Downtown last night since I was watching the Grammy’s … such a great night of music and more 😉

    So I think I’ll have a cup of tea while I get caught up with the Crawley’s

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